Sunday, January 23, 2011

coconut cream cheesecake

so i went out own my own and made a recipe
its below and it was yummy
if i do say so myself
toot toot

coconut cream cheesecake

1 store bought graham cracker crust
(i might make my own next time - the filling amount would need to be adjusted)

1 cream cheese brick (8ozs)
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14ozs)
1/2 can of coconut milk (4ozs)
1/2 cup of sweetened coconut shredded
3 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla

cream cream cheese and egg yolks
add vanilla
add remaining ingredients
pour into crust
bakes at 350F for 30 - 40 minutes
check centre with toothpick, when it comes out clean
let cool at room temp.